Wonder Woman - DC Comics Sideshow Collectibles 1/6 Scale Action Figure

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Wonder Woman - DC Comics Sideshow Collectibles 1/6 Scale Action Figure

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Inspired by the Amazon’s iconic comic book appearance, the Wonder Woman Sixth Scale Figure features a seamless, articulated, muscular body type developed by TB League, as well as a fabric bodysuit in Wonder Woman’s iconic red and blue colours with white stars. Over the suit, she has a sculpted gold belt and gold breastplate, her signature armour. Her portrait has flowing black hair sculpted with motion details and also features her golden tiara with a red star set in the centre.

The Wonder Woman Sixth Scale Figure also features a number of swap-out Amazonian accessories, allowing you to craft a display worthy of the gods. Diana of Themyscira has sculpted red and white boots with articulated ankle joints as well as three sets of hands including fists, open hands, and grip hands. The figure also comes with two versions of the golden Lasso of Truth- one sculpted, coiled version and one fabric version. Additionally, Wonder Woman includes her silver Bracelets of Submission, her aegis shield, and her sword with a wearable scabbard, giving you an entire pantheon of possible poses.


  • Seamless, muscular female body developed by Phicen
  • Comic-book inspired likeness of Wonder Woman with iconic golden tiara
  • Fabric bodysuit featuring the classic red and blue colors with white stars
  • One  pair of red and white articulated boots
  • Three  pairs of hands
  • One pair of silver "Bracelets of Submission"
  • One sculpted "Lasso of Truth” in coiled state
  • One fabric “Lasso of Truth”
  • Sword with wearable scabbard
  • Shield
  • Sculpted Gold Belt
  • Sculpted Gold Breastplate

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